Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Don't forget! Thursday....Friday....Saturday


Just a reminder that there is a PTO meeting this Thursday night at 6:30 at the upper elementary. Please be there! There will be a multitude of things on the agenda! We need your support and input!


Also this Friday from 6-8 is the MECC Fall Carnival. The Carnival will be lots of fun and geared towards children ages 7 and under! Bring your young kids to play games and a myriad of other fun fall activities! There will also be a basket silent auction available for bidding! Each class has their own theme and the money from these baskets goes straight back into that specific classroom, so please come and support your ECC teachers! The baskets include:

Mrs. Snyder: coffee & candles
Mrs. Porter: $$ tree
Mrs. Spess: snacks
Ms. Fowler: fall décor
Ms. Merrell: OU
Mrs. Good: Spa
Mrs. Sposato: chocolate
Mrs. Schraeder: OSU
Mrs. Pratt: family/game night


also, don't forget:

PTO Coat and Book Drive is still going on and we still need your donations!


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