Mannford PTO Agenda
March 10 th , 2016
1. Call meeting to order
2. Minutes from last meeting
3. Treasurer’s Report
4. Membership Dues
5. Nurse Jill would like to speak about the Walk for Schools.
6. Fundraising
Riddle plant farm spring fundraiser-Start flyers at the beginning of March, delivery will be mid April.
Fundraising of flip flops (spring) and planking. Send forms out around April 1st.
Shirt designs, start designs for next year as well as the beanies.
Movie Night
Campbell’s labels, turn these in by April 30th. Changes made by Aug. 1st
Bags at MAC, leave what we have up there and use the remainder for next year back to school.
High School Karaoke?
Middle School Dodge ball tournament?
Price cut on shirts, $10 long sleeve t-shirts, $10 t-shirts, $20 hoodies.
7. Projects
Traci update on ice cream social, do April 8th from 6-8 at the Middle School with approval.
Update from School Supplies Committee for 2016 school year. Lori did you ask Bob about the bank donating?
Chris update on middle school Frisbee golf $750.00 was approved.
8. Requests
Lanyards for Middle School .42 each total of $420.00 for 1,000 ct.
PVC swinging bars for desk
Basketball goal nets at the Middle School $9 a net and 2 requested.
Hygiene products for Middle School-upon request.
9. Teachers wish list get anything that is $25 or less. Traci has emailed the teachers about signing up for donorschoose and we will match in the first 24 hours.
10. Tax Exempt
11. Pirate Chest/PTO Blog
12. PTO letterhead logo (address included) (Brandy will have her class do this at the end of the semester)
13. New Business/open floor
14. Next meeting April 21st and next Movie night is March 24th.
Beanies in the fall.
Playground fund, waiting on school to let us know.
Monsters and Mummies (Boys and Mom event)
March 10 th , 2016
1. Call meeting to order
2. Minutes from last meeting
3. Treasurer’s Report
4. Membership Dues
5. Nurse Jill would like to speak about the Walk for Schools.
6. Fundraising
Riddle plant farm spring fundraiser-Start flyers at the beginning of March, delivery will be mid April.
Fundraising of flip flops (spring) and planking. Send forms out around April 1st.
Shirt designs, start designs for next year as well as the beanies.
Movie Night
Campbell’s labels, turn these in by April 30th. Changes made by Aug. 1st
Bags at MAC, leave what we have up there and use the remainder for next year back to school.
High School Karaoke?
Middle School Dodge ball tournament?
Price cut on shirts, $10 long sleeve t-shirts, $10 t-shirts, $20 hoodies.
7. Projects
Traci update on ice cream social, do April 8th from 6-8 at the Middle School with approval.
Update from School Supplies Committee for 2016 school year. Lori did you ask Bob about the bank donating?
Chris update on middle school Frisbee golf $750.00 was approved.
8. Requests
Lanyards for Middle School .42 each total of $420.00 for 1,000 ct.
PVC swinging bars for desk
Basketball goal nets at the Middle School $9 a net and 2 requested.
Hygiene products for Middle School-upon request.
9. Teachers wish list get anything that is $25 or less. Traci has emailed the teachers about signing up for donorschoose and we will match in the first 24 hours.
10. Tax Exempt
11. Pirate Chest/PTO Blog
12. PTO letterhead logo (address included) (Brandy will have her class do this at the end of the semester)
13. New Business/open floor
14. Next meeting April 21st and next Movie night is March 24th.
Beanies in the fall.
Playground fund, waiting on school to let us know.
Monsters and Mummies (Boys and Mom event)
Meeting Minutes -
February 18, 2016
- The meeting was called to order by Kindra Caruthers
- Handouts: Agenda, treasurer’s report
- Minutes from the February meeting were reviewed.
- The Treasurer’s report was reviewed and will be updated.
- Teacher Expense Reimbursement – Abby Cook - 918-237-3384. This year teachers can submit their expense receipts and one winner per location will be drawn at the end of each month. Each winner will receive a $25 check from the PTO. Winners are announced on Facebook.
- Playground improvement for Middle School - The middle school has requested the PTO purchase 2 picnic tables for their playground. Mr. Anderson decided he would like to purse installing disc golf baskets instead of a picnic table. Chris will pursue getting approval and pricing information. Chris received approval from the administration office and maintenance department. He will check into purchasing options. Ike (facilities maintenance) has approved the locations. Chris will check with the AG teacher to see if they can manufacture the baskets. UPDATE: Chris has not heard back from the Ag teacher, he will follow up with him.
- Campbell’s Soup Labels – Bins have been placed in the office and teacher’s lounge at the lower elementary. Their website announced the program is ending, we need to submit what we have by April 30th so the school can receive their items before the program ends this summer. UPDATE: Traci will round up the labels and distribute a note to students about the end of this program.
- Tax Exempt Status for PTO – We approved to spend $500 or less to obtain tax exempt status for the PTO. Patti and Traci will work on getting the application submitted. Jenifer will working on getting the Amazon fundraiser setup after the tax exempt status is approved. Update: The application is complete and will be given to Kindra to sign and mail.
- Back-to-School Supplies – Patti Nelson – 918-633-1511. The PTO is planning to pre-sell school supplies for the 2016-2017 school year for PK thru 5th grade. Update: We have approximately 2 sponsors per grade. It was approved for the PTO to sponsor one item on each list using the supplies we already have and purchasing whatever else is needed.
- Busy Bars - Traci McKnight – 918-804-9924. Three busy bars have been installed in Melissa Cavenah’s classroom and have been very successful in helping the kids stay seated and focus on their work. Traci and Jenifer will install two more. We will develop a plan to complete all the desks in Mrs. Cavenah’s classroom and then figure out how we proceed to other classrooms that request the bars. The flower sale will help pay for some of the materials but more funding will be needed. We also need an implementation plan to make and install the busy bars on a large scale. Asking for Masons for help is a possibility. Traci will contact Glen Almay or Tyler Buttram.
- Movie Night – Patti Nelson – UPDATE: No Movie Night was held in March due to school being out 3 Fridays that month. The next movie night is April 1st – The Chipmunks – Road Chip.
- Sales - Patti Nelson – 918-633-1511
Sale prices: All T-shirts
$10, Hoodies $20. Several shirts were sold at the watermelon feed
and first football game. Traci McKnight volunteered to come up with
new shirt designs to sell after the first of the year. Update:
T Shirt sales were discussed in length. The question is do we
really want to compete with the T-shirt sales in the area since we
don’t really have a place to sell them. Chris volunteered to talk
to Traci Dodd (Okie T-shirts) about printing our design and possibly
giving the PTO a percentage of the profit and maybe selling shirts at
our PTO booth at football games. More to follow. Traci volunteered
to make a sign for the bags at the MAC, there is not one currently.
- Fundraising Ideas: Kindra will research selling license plates. Chris will check into getting caps to sell. Chris suggested we consider selling beanie hats, possibly ordering this summer to catch special pricing?
- Ice Cream Social - Traci McKnight – 918-804-9924. Fundraiser for the middle school, possibly early March. Chris Greenert will talk to the student council sponsor about the event. We could pre-sell tickets and have extra concessions available. It was also suggested we ask Braums for ice cream donations. The student council has agreed to help. The social will be Friday April 8th from 6pm to 8pm at the middle school cafeteria. Pricing needs to be established. Update: We approved ticket prices as follows – $5 advanced tickets - $8 at the door. Chris will sell the advanced tickets and distribute flyers. Traci will buy the supplies a day or two before the dance when we have an idea on how many kids to expect. Roxy volunteered to help get inexpensive toppings from Aldi. Chris will arrange for music, Traci will setup selfie booths.
- Fun Run/Walk for Kids – Nurse Jill discussed helping the PTO sponsor a fun walk similar to the one held in 2013 for Juvenile Diabetes as a fundraiser. She said it was a fun event and raised approximately $1600. We would need to pick a date in the fall before football scrimmages start and the purpose for the fundraiser. More discussion needed.
- Teachers Appreciation Week - The first week of May. It was approved to buy a $5 gift for the teachers and provide cookies or donuts for all school personnel sometime that week.
- Amazon Fundraiser – Jennifer will check into creating an account for PTO. UPDATE: This project is on hold until the Tax Exempt Status is reviewed.
- Fundraiser – School spirit Flip Flops – Jenifer Maxville Jenifer found a website that makes custom decorated flip flops and we discussed possibly using this as a fundraiser for next year. According to the website, some schools make $10 to $15 per pair sold. We also discussed the possibility of just using purple pirates and selling to Bristow as well. It was decided we would wait until early spring to distribute order forms. Keep on things to remember until someone has the time to coordinate.
Money has been set aside for
the last 3 years to improve the playground at the upper. If the
school doesn’t want any improvements made to the playground the PTO
will decide how to spend the money allocated for this project. On
hold pending the availability of bond money.
- Pirate Chest/PTO Blog – Angie Macias - – 918-284-3042. Angie has been posting fundraisers for the PTO and other organizations. Please contact her if you have any requests for the PTO Pirate Chest.
- Karaoke Night – Roxey suggested hosting a karaoke night fundraiser for the high school. More to follow.
- Dodge Ball Tournament – Patti suggested hosting a dodge ball tournament fundraiser.
- PTO Logo – Kindra will ask the keyboarding teacher if they would like to help us come up with a logo to use for the PTO, including a letterhead.
- Mannford PTO’s email address is
- Next meeting – Thursday April 21st @ 6:30 Lower Elementary Cafeteria.
- Next movie night – Friday April 1st @ 6pm
In Attendance:
Melissa Cavenah Chris
Greenert Lori White
Patti Nelson Jenifer
Maxville Roxey Greenert Traci McKnight
Date Income Description Total
2/19/2016 dep income - movie night $895.00
19-Feb dep back to school donations $310.00
1-Mar dep back to school donations $250.00
8-Mar dep back to school donations $50.00
transfer from checking to savings $89.50
$1,594.50 income for this month was $895, so our 10% placed in savings comes to $89.50
PTO Expenses on Fundraisers that have expenses. (check no. expense box if necessary)
Date Expense Description Total
18-Feb 2203 Chase (dance reimbursement) $34.20
26-Feb 2204 Traci (dance reimbursement) $161.30
22-Feb 2205 Kindra (reimburse dance pics) $17.32
26-Feb 2206 Teacher Receipt reimb $25.00
26-Feb 2207 Teacher Receipt reimb $25.00
26-Feb 2208 Teacher Receipt reimb $25.00
26-Feb 2209 Teacher Receipt reimb $25.00
1-Mar 2210 Traci (popcorn oil) $23.29
7-Mar 2211 Jennifer Maxville (pens reimb) $31.43
29-Feb D/C Chase (reimb Patti) $615.65
1-Mar ??? reimbursement $32.76
transfer to savings $89.50
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