March 2013 Minutes



1. Treasurer report - $-448.79 in the funds

a. income - membership dues $130, duffle bags sold $105

2. Previous minutes read - accepted

3. Overview of upcoming school fundraisers & help needed

a. donations for baskets at bingo 4/6/13 5p-9p

b. baked goods for auction at bingo

c. movie night - need volunteers

4. PTO fundraisers

a. gym bags - ordered 100 and received

b. car tags - awaiting funds before ordering

5. PTO day at the park

6. Possible future PTO project-fix upper elementary playground, i.e. gravel, maybe a part of earth day

7. Suggest committee to evaluate playgrounds needs - Justin Porter

8. Delayed setting up committees until funds raised and get more in attendance at PTO meetings

9. Had drawing for a Mannford Pirate dufflebag-winner Marty Bernstein

10. Next meeting Thursday 4/18/13

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