Mannford PTO Agenda
August 13, 2015
- Call meeting to order
- Minutes from last meeting
- Treasurer’s Report
- Membership Dues
- Traci update on back to school supplies project.
- Patti update on Teachers lounge upgrade. Traci made a sign for the teachers lounge, any suggestion yet?
- Jenifer update on campbell’s label.
- Jenifer update on Recycling in town.
- Change in bylaws.
- Discuss the merits and requirements for becoming tax exempt.
- Jenifer update on added to page as fundraiser
- Jenifer update on fundraiser of flip flops and planking.
- Go over budget for 2015-2016 school year
- Upper-ice machine
- Lower-refrigerator and sink
- 14.Discuss the use of the water machine at the lower if we purchase new refrigerator with water.
- Budget for 2015-2016
- New Business/open floor
- Next meeting TBD.
Patti update on playground project (on hold b/c of bond)
Angie update on Pirate Chest/PTO Blog
Price cut on shirts, $10 long sleeve t-shirts, $15 t-shirts, $20 hoodies, We also have around 15 duffle bags left at activity center (Angie adding to Pirate chest/PTO Blog)
Jennifer update on food trucks for Watermelon feed (date). Sale bottled water.
Kindra update on McDonalds fundraiser, I will wait to do this next year since the school year is almost up.
Kindra update Monsters and Moms dance early October.
Abby update on reimbursing teachers and doing raffle of $50 each and drawing 2 a month (must have receipts)
Kindra update on medals for student of the month, 288 students monthly. (start next year)
Oriental trading $102 at .35 each
Kindra to go over Demand Project, we got approval from Waldvogel we just need to ask Wright.
Do we want to do a booth or anything at the Boats Melons and BBQ on August 15th, if not maybe we could make a boat representing PTO?
Patti update on cheerleader fundraiser (provide supplies)
Meeting Minutes - August 13, 2015
- The meeting was called to order by Kindra Caruthers
- Handouts: Agenda
- Minutes from the June meeting were reviewed.
- The Treasurer’s report was reviewed and approved.
The budget for the 2015 – 2016 school year was reviewed and approved with requested changes.
REMINDERS: Everyone needs to fill out a new membership form at the September meeting and pay the annual dues. Background checks for school volunteers must be completed each year. The forms are available at the administration office.
The activity and meeting calendar for the new year was reviewed and approved. PTO MEETING MOVIE NIGHTS
6:30 - 7:30 ISH 6PM - 8:30PM
- Food Truck Night Fundraiser - Jenifer Maxville – – 918-645-5161, The administration has approved the food truck night event. We will look for local vendors first. The PTO will also sell water that night. The food trucks will donate $50 to the PTO in order to attend. UPDATE: It was decided to not have the food trucks this year but the PTO will still have a booth to sell bottled water, T-shirts, hoodies and cinch bags. Volunteers are needed to help setup, sell and load.
No update for April: From March - we decided to continue to sell the short sleeve T-shirts for $15 but reduce the long-sleeved T-shirts from $17 to $10 and the hoodies from $25 to $20. It was suggested that we have flash sales. UPDATE: Short sleeve T-shirts will be sold for $10.
- Boats Melons and BBQ – August 15th. UPDATE: No one volunteered to work in a PTO booth. This item is closed
- Student of the Month – Lower elementary. PTO will purchase medals for the Lower to use for a Student of the month program next year. Melissa Cavenah received approval from the administration. We need to pick a medal and order. Kindra will continue to research medal pricing. The school will need 32 each for 9 months for a total of 288. UPDATE: Kindra has ordered the medals.
- Upper Elementary Playground – Patti Nelson – . 918-633-1511
The playground project is on hold until the bond issue is decided this summer. It’s possible the school will put a new gym building in the playground area. UPDATE: Patti will follow up with Mr. Norman in September.
- School Dance – Kindra Caruthers – The group discussed ideas for making the Mummies & Monsters Dance this fall fun for the boys. Possibly face painting, etc. More to follow. UDPATE: The dance will be Friday October 23rd. A committee will be formed at the September meeting.
- Teachers Lounge Upgrade – Water coolers have been purchased for the Lower and MECC teacher’s lounges. The lower has been out of water for several weeks, Patti will remind the office that the PTO did not commit to refill water bottles. The PTO will post a suggestion form in each lounge for the staff to request improvements to their lounge. Work to be accomplished possibly during the summer. UPDATE: We voted to spend $750 or less to purchase a new side by side refrigerator with ice/water dispenser for the Lower teacher’s lounge. Patti will shop for a better price than the $700 quoted at Hahns. The Upper has requested a water cooler and ice machine. This will be discussed at the next meeting.
- Change in Bylaws/Addition of Directors – More research needed. UPDATE: This item needs to be assigned to a member for further research.
- Tax Exempt Status – Discuss the pros & cons of becoming tax exempt. UPDATE: Chris will ask the administration office about using the schools tax exempt status.
- Fundraiser – School spirit Flip Flops – Jenifer Maxville Jenifer found a website that makes custom decorated flip flops and we discussed possibly using this as a fundraiser for next year. According to the website, some schools make $10 to $15 per pair sold. We also discussed the possibility of just using purple pirates and selling to Bristow as well. UPDATE: It was decided we would wait until early spring to distribute order forms.
- Fundraiser – Recycling – We discussed two different recycling programs. One for cans, newspapers, etc using a trailer parked in town. It was determined it would require too much time to maintain since people use those sights to dump trash. The second was for recycling printer cartridges, cell phones, ink toner, etc. We discussed possibly putting collection boxes in the schools along with maybe Phelps, In and Out, etc. UPDATE: We do not have enough volunteers to manage this project. Item closed.
- Campbell’s Soup Labels – Jennifer checked and there are already accounts set up for the Lower & Upper. We have volunteered to help the Lower manage their soup labels drive next year. UPDATE: Will ask Miss Aimee what she wants the PTO to do to help with this school fundraiser.
- Back-to-School Supplies – Traci McKnight – 918-804-9924. The PTO is planning to pre-sell school supplies this spring for the upcoming school year for PK thru 5th grade. UPDATE: The supplies were separated into kits for each student/ or teacher today. Supplies were delivered to the Lower and 4th Grade. The MECC and 5th grade and all the copy paper will be delivered on Tuesday, August 18th before open house. The financial info for this project will be reviewed at the next meeting. Traci suggested that we buy as many bargain supplies as we can this fall and then wait until the spring to decide if we want to do sell supplies next year. Buying for 96 kids was a lot of work and required a lot of storage space. We could easily have 3 times that many next year. If we decide not to sell the supplies we can donate what we have to the school.
- Fundraiser - Pirate Planking – This fundraiser was suggested by Patti in the fall and we discussed possibly doing something along this line next year. UPDATE. This item is closed until someone volunteers to be in charge of it.
- Teacher Expense Reimbursement – Abby Cook suggested. Next year teachers can submit their expense receipts and two winners will be drawn each month system wide. Each winner will receive $50. Patti will announce the drawing to the teacher’s at their back to school meeting in August. Boxes will need to be made and distributed to each school. UPDATE: A volunteer is needed to coordinate.
New Business
- Fundraiser - Rustic Cuffs – Carrie Gustafson suggested selling Rustic Cuffs customized with Mannford’s school colors. Other schools have had good results. The bracelets would cost the PTO $24 and be sold for $32. Minimum order is 75. Carrie will try to get a sample bracelet for the next meeting. A volunteer is needed to coordinate.
- Pirate Chest/PTO Blog – Angie Macias - – 918-284-3042. The administration has approved advertising for other school groups/clubs on our blog page. Patti will discuss this resource with the teachers at their back to school meeting in August.
- Demand Project – Kindra Caruthers suggested sponsoring a seminar on sex trafficking for parents and older students. The administration has approved so a date needs to be selected and coordinated with the high school principal.
- McDonald’s PTO Night – Kindra Caruthers – McDonalds is receptive to the idea however we are waiting to hear from the General Manager. The GM has not returned any of Kindra’s calls. Will try for one more month.
- Amazon Fundraiser – Jennifer will check into creating an account for PTO. UPDATE: This project is on hold until the Tax Exempt Status is reviewed.
- 8 people were in attendance.
- Mannford PTO’s email address is
- Movie Night – Friday September 11th.
- Next meeting – Thursday September 17th @ 6:30 Lower Elementary Cafeteria.
8/13/2015 In Attendance
Kindra Caruthers
Chris Greenert
Roxey Greenert
Patti Nelson
Jenifer Maxville
Melissa Cavenah
Carrie Gustafson
Traci McKnight
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