April 2013 Minutes


1. Minutes read & accepted

2. Treasurer report - $-416.79 in the funds

a. income - additional duffle bags sold

b. payouts- LLC registration

3. EIN obtained

4. Eathday projects - primary project Upper Elementary - held over, need of additional funds

5. Ideas for duffle bag sales

a. 5/6/13 - 5th grade parents night

b. 5/10/13 - track & field day

c. MAC already has them for sale

d. 5th grade program

e. 5/14/13 - grade school pre-enrollment

f. 5/19/13 - sock hop

g. MECC - Mayday Funday

6. Ideas get more members

a. sign at corner in town day before meeting

b. newspaper article

c. school flyers

7. Officers for next year

a. everyone has agreed to maintain their positions except VP and a nomination
 was made for Marty Bernstein

8. Grants - Marty Bernstein to get information

9. Bingo gave away around $10,000 in prizes and profited around $6,000 for the upper
elementary for text books, resources, updated technology and playground

10. Wanting more teachers to approach PTO about additional fund raising ideas and
their assistance

11. 4/25/13 - McDonald’s in Cleveland is being held by Upper Elementary & percentage
of all sales go to the Upper Elementary

12. 5/18/13 - Skates in Sand Springs a percentage of sales goes to the school

13. Book about accomplishments and future projects to display when doing fund raisers

14. Possible popcorn/movie night during summer for kids and want more ideas for
summer activities for kids and family

15. Teacher appreciation week approaching

16. Had drawing for a handbag holder-winner Kim Leach

17. Next and last meeting for the school year is Thursday 5/16/13 at 6:30p.m.

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