Tuesday, August 19, 2014

PTO Movie Night, August 22nd

Mannford PTO Presents:

Movie Night is this Friday, August 22nd, featuring ROBOTSDoors open at 6, movie starts at 6:20, doors are locked from 6:30 to 8. Admission of $6 includes pizza, pop, and popcorn. Extra concessions will be open and available during movie time. PTO members save $1 on  your child's admission for every PTO event, including movie nights. You can sign up for PTO while you are there!! 

Parents, bring your kids and have them bring their chair, blanket, and pillow and join us for a fun night, while you go on a date or grocery shopping! Or, parents are welcome to stay and watch the movie too. We had alot of excitement from parents when we discussed movie night at Open house! Kids need to be picked up by 8:30! We cant wait to see you all!


Monday, August 18, 2014

PTO Meeting, August 21st. WE NEED YOU!

On Thursday evening, August 21st, at 6:30pm at the Lower Elementary Cafeteria, PTO will be having their first meeting of the 2014-2015 season. We encourage any and all parents, teachers, and guardians to come support your school and your PTO. We have high hopes to grow this year and will be discussing the yearly schedule of events, activities, and fundraisers and also our proposed 2014-2015 budget. Please bring all of your questions, comments, suggestions, and ideas!

To those of you who signed up during Open House, we are excited to have you! We will have your membership cards laminated and ready to be picked up at the meeting!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

They need paper!

The Lower Elementary has not received their paper shipment for the year. Also due to budget cuts, it is unclear if the shipment will be enough paper to cover the entire year.

 Lets help our teachers out! If anyone has some extra paper, or if you're out and about, please pick up a ream and drop it off at the PTO table at the Lower Elementary during Open House on Thursday evening. Every ream will help! 

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Back to School!

Hello Everyone! We hope everyone has had a wonderful summer! As you know, its about time to come back to school! We are excited for the new year to begin and hope to see many parents and teachers at our next meeting! Here are a few dates that are important for August as well as some helpful links.

August 11 - MECC Parents only meeting 
                - Pre-K @6pm & Kindergarten @6:30pm

August 14 - District wide Open House from 4:00-7:00 

August 14 - FRESHMAN Experience from 2-4pm 

August 14 - FRESHMAN Parent meeting @5:30pm

August 14 - Back to School Spaghetti Dinner 5-8pm
                - $5.00/adults & $3.00/kids 
                - supports FFA/4H/Booster Club/Backpack 4 Kids


August 21 - PTO Meeting @ 6:30 (Upper Elementary)

August 22 - PTO Movie Night 6-8pm (Lower Elementary Cafe)

August 28 - Watermelon Feed (High school football field) ** RESCHEDULED TO SEPTEMBER 4th

August 29 - NO CLASSES



Lower Elementary

Upper Elementary

Cafeteria Menus

MECC/Lower Elementary

Upper Elementary/Middle School

High School