Did you know: Children of parents who talk to their teens regularly about drugs are 42% less likely to use drugs than those who dont, yet only a quarter of teens report having these conversations.* The Mannford school district is celebrating Red Ribbon Week from October 28th thru November 1st. Each school building has theme days to celebrate the week. Lets see your support for a drug free campus by participating in the theme days!!

Monday: Wake-up, its Red Ribbon Week! Wear your pajamas.
Tuesday: Don't let bad choices get you hurt! Fake an injury.
Wednesday: Outsmart drugs! Dress like a nerd.
Thursday: Say BOO! to drugs! Wear your Halloween costumes.
Friday: Drugs can make you crazy! Wear crazy hair.

Monday: Brink your "A" Game - wear a jersey or your favorite team t-shirt.
Tuesday: My Future is Bright, No Drugs in Sight - Neon day and any bright colors.
Wednesday: Put your thinking cap on, be a smartie, don't do drugs - Hat day.
Thursday: Wear RED.
Friday: Have Pride, don't do drugs - Purple Pride day.

Monday, October 28 - "Hide from Drug"/Wear Camo
Tuesday, October 29 - "Stay Drug-Free Every Decade"/Dress from a different decade
Wednesday, October 30 - Favorite Football Team day
Thursday, October 31 - "Escape the Warriors"/Wear your school-appropriate Halloween costume
Friday, November 1 - "Our LAST Round"/Wear School Spirit COLORS
You can learn more about the Red Ribbon organization by clicking here*.