Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Cookies, Cocoa, and Caroling
Friday night, December 20th, PTO will be hosting a "Cookies, Cocoa, and Caroling" event. This is a FREE event for the kids and lasts from 6 to 8 pm. We will meet at the lower elementary for cookies and cocoa and travel the nearby neighborhoods to sing Christmas carols. Come sing with us and enjoy the fellowship this holiday season. This event is weather permitting; if it is raining or sleeting, PTO will cancel the event.
PTO Meeting, Thursday Dec 19th, with guest speaker
We hope you'll join us for Thusday's PTO meeting at the Upper Elementary at 6:30 pm. Mrs Kim Morris will be showing a power point presentation which will give alot of information on the States Common Core Testing. This is a great opportunity for parents to come and learn what all the talk is about as well as ask questions. There are other topics on the agenda to discuss as well so we do hope to see you all there!
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Looking for a GREAT Stocking Stuffer for Christmas!
If you're looking for the perfect stocking stuffer or gift for that sports fan in your family, or just want to take your kids out to a have a fun time, look no further than Tulsa Oilers Hockey! Right now you can purchase tickets for the January 11th game against the Brampton Beast. This night has been designated Mannford School's night and a portion of the proceeds of ticket sales goes to help PTO projects. It is also "KIDS NIGHT", so kids get in free and all adults are $12 per ticket. Contact PTO to get your tickets today!!
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Movie Night Double Feature this Friday Dec 13th!
This Friday,
December 13 is our next movie night. It will
be a double feature. We will be showing Disney’s “Planes” and
“Turbo”. This give you 4 hours of kid free time. Christmas is
less than 2 weeks away, just think how much shopping you can get done
or wrapping. The doors open at 6 and the first movie will start at
6:30 and the second movie will start around 8:30. Movies should be
over by 10pm. We ask that you have your child picked up by 10:15.
You must sign your child in and out.
The cost for this adult
supervised entertainment for your child is just $6.00. This price
includes a slice of pizza, drink, and unlimited popcorn. We will
have extra concessions available for purchase. After 8:30 we cut
off all pop and candy sales.
Send kids in sweatpants
and tshirt so they are ready for bed when you pick them up. Bean
bags, blankets, pillows etc for lounging on during movie are
recommended. Due to the number of students attending we have them
eat and drink at the tables provided but they should bring something
to lounge on during the movie. We are going to be strict about the
drinks staying at the tables, we had quite a few spills last month.
To save time at the sign
in which gets congested you may fill out the info below and hand it in
when you pay. We will sort them by grades so please put the childs
grade on the form so when you come to pick up your child we can find
it faster.
Click here for the pdf version of the form. Then print the page.
Click here for the pdf version of the form. Then print the page.
Friday, November 15, 2013
PTO Movie Night Double Feature!
Friday November 15th, PTO is showing a Double Feature at Movie Night. Price is still $6! Parents, be sure to send your kids in PJs and have them bring a pillow, blanket, beanbag or comfy chair. We will continue to have snacks available but Soda and Candy will not be available after 8pm. But there will be other snacks and drinks that the kids can purchase, as well as extra pizza. Cant wait to see you all there! This is a perfect time for parents to have a dinner and a movie date, grocery shop, or go Christmas shopping! Remember, ALL parents MUST come in to sign out their children. PTO will not allow kids to walk home alone. We also need volunteers to help, even if its in shifts! Let us know if you would like to help out!
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Drug Free Zone: It's Red Ribbon Week!
Did you know: Children of parents who talk to their teens regularly about drugs are 42% less likely to use drugs than those who dont, yet only a quarter of teens report having these conversations.* The Mannford school district is celebrating Red Ribbon Week from October 28th thru November 1st. Each school building has theme days to celebrate the week. Lets see your support for a drug free campus by participating in the theme days!!

Monday: Wake-up, its Red Ribbon Week! Wear your pajamas.
Tuesday: Don't let bad choices get you hurt! Fake an injury.
Wednesday: Outsmart drugs! Dress like a nerd.
Thursday: Say BOO! to drugs! Wear your Halloween costumes.
Friday: Drugs can make you crazy! Wear crazy hair.

Monday: Brink your "A" Game - wear a jersey or your favorite team t-shirt.
Tuesday: My Future is Bright, No Drugs in Sight - Neon day and any bright colors.
Wednesday: Put your thinking cap on, be a smartie, don't do drugs - Hat day.
Thursday: Wear RED.
Friday: Have Pride, don't do drugs - Purple Pride day.

Monday, October 28 - "Hide from Drug"/Wear Camo
Tuesday, October 29 - "Stay Drug-Free Every Decade"/Dress from a different decade
Wednesday, October 30 - Favorite Football Team day
Thursday, October 31 - "Escape the Warriors"/Wear your school-appropriate Halloween costume
Friday, November 1 - "Our LAST Round"/Wear School Spirit COLORS
You can learn more about the Red Ribbon organization by clicking here*.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Don't forget! Thursday....Friday....Saturday
Just a reminder that there is a PTO meeting this Thursday night at 6:30 at the upper elementary. Please be there! There will be a multitude of things on the agenda! We need your support and input!
Also this Friday from 6-8 is the MECC Fall Carnival. The Carnival will be lots of fun and geared towards children ages 7 and under! Bring your young kids to play games and a myriad of other fun fall activities! There will also be a basket silent auction available for bidding! Each class has their own theme and the money from these baskets goes straight back into that specific classroom, so please come and support your ECC teachers! The baskets include:
Mrs. Snyder: coffee & candles
Mrs. Porter: $$ tree
Mrs. Spess: snacks
Ms. Fowler: fall décor
Ms. Merrell: OU
Mrs. Good: Spa
Mrs. Sposato: chocolate
Mrs. Schraeder: OSU
Mrs. Pratt: family/game night
also, don't forget:
PTO Coat and Book Drive is still going on and we still need your donations!
Just a reminder that there is a PTO meeting this Thursday night at 6:30 at the upper elementary. Please be there! There will be a multitude of things on the agenda! We need your support and input!
Also this Friday from 6-8 is the MECC Fall Carnival. The Carnival will be lots of fun and geared towards children ages 7 and under! Bring your young kids to play games and a myriad of other fun fall activities! There will also be a basket silent auction available for bidding! Each class has their own theme and the money from these baskets goes straight back into that specific classroom, so please come and support your ECC teachers! The baskets include:
Mrs. Snyder: coffee & candles
Mrs. Porter: $$ tree
Mrs. Spess: snacks
Ms. Fowler: fall décor
Ms. Merrell: OU
Mrs. Good: Spa
Mrs. Sposato: chocolate
Mrs. Schraeder: OSU
Mrs. Pratt: family/game night
also, don't forget:
PTO Coat and Book Drive is still going on and we still need your donations!
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Its an Oasis of Books!! Its Bedlam!! Its the Book Fair!!
The book fair is in full swing but there aren't many days left so hurry on over to the Lower Elementary and check out the selection! There is a wide variety of books, starting with picture books and early reading books for those just starting to read all the way to chapter and series books for 5th-6th-7th graders. There are even books that would interest adults! The students from the lower and upper elementary schools have been allowed to visit the book fair and given "wish lists" to fill out and take home to show parents. We encourage everyone to come and buy a book or two, or three! There really is no limit! Our library gets a "credit" towards scholastic books based on the sales from the book fair that Mrs. Morrow uses to buy books FOR our library to keep those shelves stocked with books for the elementary school kids to browse and check out.
Also, don't forget the Bedlam Change Drive, also through Scholastic. Bring your change and put into the school of your choice! Its a Bedlam battle and the winning team will be announced at the end of the book fair!
The book fair runs from October 4th through October 16th, and it will be open for parents to come during the evenings of Parent/Teacher conferences in case you cant make it during school hours. Parents, also, please check out the teachers wish lists located on the pyramid near the door. If you buy a book off a teacher's list, you will get a grab bag for your child!
Monday, October 7, 2013
PTO Movie night this Friday, October 11th!
Just in time for Halloween, PTO is presenting "Hocus Pocus"! Don't forget to bring you a chair, blanket, or pillow! Remember, extra concessions are available to purchase as well!
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Calling All Cars!! Come to the Car Show!
Mannford 3rd graders are hosting a Benefit Car Show on Saturday, October 5th at the Mannford Church of the Nazarene. There will be booths set up with games for the kids as well as concessions and a Jupiter jump! All profits will benefit the 3rd grade classes at Mannford Lower Elementary. A couple of volunteers are still needed to help with booths, so PLEASE, if you can help out, it would be most appreciated!!
Registration starts at 9:00 A.M,
Awards presented at 1:00
Registration Fees- $10.00 plus a generous amount of school Supplies
* The school supplies will be shared by the five 3rd grade classes at the Mannford Elementary School. Suggested school supplies are puzzles, board games, age appropriate books, etc. *
Special Awards will be given for:
Top 5 vehicles
Top 5 Motorcycles
Best of show Car
Best of show Truck
Special Recognition:
Best Mannford Alumni vehicle
Best Rat Rod
Best “Work in Progress”
If you have any questions or would like to volunteer to help out with a booth, please call Curtis Martin at 918-729-4122
Monday, September 30, 2013
This week has been dubbed "TRASH THE TROJANS" week for Mannford's homecoming. That means lots of spirit filled activities for the whole family to enjoy. We hope to see everyone out there cheering on our Pirates!
Ongoing all week, the OSU/OU Change Drive through ScholasticOne for books will be collecting loose change. The Library (OSU) vs. the Office (OU) competition has ensued and will take place starting Monday, September 30th, all the way through the end of the Book Fair, on October 16th. Students are encouraged to bring spare change to fill up the tub of their preference, either OSU (GO POKES!) or OU (BOOMER SOONER!). The losing "team" will have to wear the other team's colors to school for one day. The best part is that ScholasticOne will MATCH the amount of the final count that is donated in the buckets. The buckets are displayed in the window of the office at the Lower Elementary.
On Thursday, October 3rd, the district will celebrate with a bonfire at the Four Diamonds Field parking lot. The Bonfire will start at 7pm and there will be games and live music provided by Sean Adair. Concessions will be available.

There will be a pre-game tailgating party from 5 - 6:30 pm in the High School's west parking lot. PTO will have a booth set up and will be selling our NEWLY designed hoodies and long sleeve t-shirts! Be sure to stop by and purchase yours! Volunteers are needed to help with this booth, please get with Patti if you can help, even if its for a short period of time!

Also at 5 to 8pm is the First Annual Friday Night Lights! Taking place in the Lower Elementary parking lot, Friday Night Lights is a tailgating party to kick off the Book Fair. This is a family event to raise money for the library. There will be hot dogs, candy, pop, Gatorade, water all being sold for $1. Come shop at the opening night of the book fair and if you wear purple, your name will go into a drawing for a "basket o' books"!! If you spend $20 or more, you will get a "freebie" and if you buy a book for a teacher, you will get a grab bag. Teacher's wish list books will be available for viewing all during the book fair. Volunteers are needed to help with this activity, so please get with Patti or Mrs. Morrow if you can help.
The Coronation Ceremony is before the game at 7pm. And then the Kickoff between the Pirates and the Trojans is at 7:30pm. Please show your school spirit and come out and support our Pirates!

Thursday, September 26, 2013
PTO Coat Drive and Book Drive
There is a chill in the air, so it's time for a coat drive. The PTO is organizing a coat drive to help those in need in our community find the perfect coat. If you would like to donate a gently used coat or jacket it can be dropped off at the Lower Elementary, the Upper Elementary, Middle School, and High School. We will have a box near the door to place the coats in for collection. If your child brings a coat in on their own, please attach a note to the item. Our kids are generous and will give the coat off their back to help a friend; and for that reason, we ask that you attach a note so that we know that you know what they are doing. The dry cleaners in Prattville is willing to help us get the coats clean and ready for distribution. We are working with the Ministerial Alliance to get the coat to those in need. If you or someone you know needs a coat, you can send a note to the office of your child's school and we will make sure it gets to the right person. Please include a size and gender along with your name. The coat drive will continue through the month of October. We are collecting coats from all the Mannford Public School sites so we will have a variety of sizes available.
The PTO is also collecting books for a literacy program. If you have books packed away that your child no longer reads and has outgrown, we will have a box for books too. Our book drive will be an ongoing thing throughout the year.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Kids Helping Kids!
Mannford PTO is starting off the school year with an important cause and proudly sponsoring a "Kids Walk" for a Cure to raise money for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. During the first week of school, the students will be given an age appropriate presentation about juvenile diabetes either in their science or PE classes and then offered the chance to raise money for the foundation and participate in the walk. With an initial donation, students will be able to purchase a "shoe" that will be put on display in the schools, then for every quarter they donate to the fund, they will be able to add a star sticker to their shoe. Prizes will be awarded to students for those who raise the most for the foundation.
On the afternoon of August 22nd, after school at 3:30, there will be a walk at the high school track to support the student's fund raising efforts. We encourage everyone to come out and donate to this cause. We will have a tent set up with refreshments and for each student that raises $5 or more for the foundation, they will receive a FREE pass to PTO movie night! Parents will be sent permission slips home for students wanting to participate in the walk.
Parents can find out more about this cause and the research foundation at kidswalk.jdrf.org
On the afternoon of August 22nd, after school at 3:30, there will be a walk at the high school track to support the student's fund raising efforts. We encourage everyone to come out and donate to this cause. We will have a tent set up with refreshments and for each student that raises $5 or more for the foundation, they will receive a FREE pass to PTO movie night! Parents will be sent permission slips home for students wanting to participate in the walk.
Parents can find out more about this cause and the research foundation at kidswalk.jdrf.org
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Mannford PTO Meeting coming up on August 1st!
Our first meeting of the school year is coming up this week on Thursday, August 1st. Check out the link to the right to check out the August agenda to see what we have planned. We want to encourage everyone to come and join PTO. Teachers, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, guardians and ANYone who wants to help out in the schools. Being a PTO member does not require you to volunteer for every function. We completely understand that everyone has a busy schedule, but there is a need in the schools for assistance. If you know of a need in the schools, we urge you to come to this meeting and voice your opinion, concern, or ideas. PTO members' children will receive a $1 off discount off of each and every PTO sanctioned event! That means your membership will have paid for itself by the end of the year and then some! We will be discussing the projects we want to tackle for the year as well as put forth our proposed budget. We even have goals of setting up scholarship money for graduating seniors! This year is going to prove to be an exciting one for PTO and we need your help to make it even greater! We will be playing a movie in a separate classroom for any kids that come to the meeting with their parents. Please come and bring your ideas and suggestions to the Upper Elementary on Thursday August 1st at 6:30pm. We will also have Pirate Wear and Pirate Bags available for purchase.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Mannford Upper Elementary Skate Night!
Looking for a fun and family friendly Saturday night activity? Come out to Skates in Sand Springs this Saturday night, July 27th. If you mention you are from Mannford, you will be entered into a drawing for door prizes, plus Skates will donate a portion of your admission price to Mannford Upper Elementary! Door prize drawings will be from 7:15 to 9:15, and you must state that you are with Mannford Schools to get an entry! Bring the family and have a great time!
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Since our first movie night in June was successful, PTO has decided to try and schedule a movie night for each month. For the month of July, movie night is July 26th from 6 to 8:30. Doors open at 6, movie starts at 6:30, doors are locked from 6:30 to 8. Admission of $6 includes pizza, pop, and popcorn. Extra concessions will be open and available during movie time. PTO members save $1 on your child's admission for every PTO event, including movie nights. You can sign up for PTO while you are there!! We will also have a preview of the t-shirts that PTO will be selling for the school year, so come check out our "Pirate wear". Parents, bring your kids and have them bring their chair, blanket, and pillow and join us for a fun night, while you go on a date or grocery shopping! Kids need to be picked up by 8:30! We cant wait to see you all!
Monday, April 22, 2013
"The Bully Project"
A couple of parent volunteers are needed for the afternoon of April 25th. Right after school from 3 to 6, Mannford Public School's Nurse, Jill McKinney, will be showing the movie "The Bully Project" to promote awareness and support anti-bullying. Two parents are needed to collect money for tickets at the door. Tickets are $2.00 each.
This movie is rated PG-13. It is very graphic and has adult language. Nurse Jill stressed the requirement that anyone coming to view the movie must be over the age of 13 due to the rating of the film and its realistic and graphic nature.
You can find more information about the movie at http://www.thebullyproject.com/
Please call Nurse Jill at the Lower Elementary if you can help out. 918-865-4334.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Chaperones needed for the Sock Hop this Friday for 3rd-4th-5th Graders!
Parent chaperones/Helpers are needed for the Sock Hop this Friday night. Should be alot of fun. Please contact Adena Bolte at the Upper Elementary if you can help with this event. 918-865-8257.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Testing monitors needed!!
Aimee Winton, Counselor is asking for our help! She sent this message to PTO President, Patti Nelson:
It looks like it comes out to about 56 openings. It is a daunting task which I have taken on alone for the last 15 years. Your helping is amazing!! I have 6 teachers at the lower that will need someone from 8:30- 9:45. I have 4 fourth grade teachers that will need someone from 8:30-9:45. I have 4 teachers in fifth (I have already covered one) that will need someone from 8:30-10:45. The days needed are April 16th through the 19th."
It looks like it comes out to about 56 openings. It is a daunting task which I have taken on alone for the last 15 years. Your helping is amazing!! I have 6 teachers at the lower that will need someone from 8:30- 9:45. I have 4 fourth grade teachers that will need someone from 8:30-9:45. I have 4 teachers in fifth (I have already covered one) that will need someone from 8:30-10:45. The days needed are April 16th through the 19th."
I have a chart that I will plug names in as they come in. I try to keep the monitors consistent in the classrooms. If someone is willing to do multiple days, they will return to the same classroom. If you could either forward me your responses or send me a collection of names and what they are willing to do I will plug them into the chart. It might be helpful also if someone doesn't want to commit to days but would be willing to "fill in" for people that cancel last minute.
We are looking for as many volunteers as possible. Even if you can only help one day out of the four please contact Mrs Winton and let her know you can help. Or contact us here, on FB, or if you know a PTO member and we will get you set up. Its your involvment that will help the PTO bring help where it is needed in our school district!
Mrs Winton's office is at the Lower Elementary. The phone number there is 918-865-4334.
Please step forward and help if you can and thank you very much!
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Show your Pirate Pride and Support your PTO!
The Mannford PTO is selling these duffle bags for $15. Get yours today and show off your Pirate Pride while supporting your PTO. Let a PTO member know today if you want to get one. Patti has left a few up at the MAC for viewing and possible purchase. Or let us know here or on our FB page that you want to purchase one and we will be happy to meet up with anyone wanting to purchase a bag.
On a side note, I got to find out how sturdy these bags really are since I purchased one for my daughter to use for soccer practice. The bag has been stomped, kicked, thrown and drug and it has proved that it's really a tough cookie!!
On a side note, I got to find out how sturdy these bags really are since I purchased one for my daughter to use for soccer practice. The bag has been stomped, kicked, thrown and drug and it has proved that it's really a tough cookie!!
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
In Remembrance...Rest in Peace, Coach Kulla.
Tomorrow, on Wednesday, April 10, 2013, Mannford Public Schools will not be in session. Superintendent, Dr. Steve Waldvogel, cancelled classes in honor and memorium of the loss of Coach John Kulla. And just before 2pm, our community will be filing through the doors of the high school gym to remember this great man. Coach Kulla was diagnosed with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, which is a degenerative brain disorder, very similar to that of mad cow disease.
Coach Kulla was one of my teachers in high school. He was always one of my favorites. Heck, he was a favorite of everyone. He was always quick to smile, laugh, crack a joke...even a few bad ones. You couldnt help but laugh with him. The passion that he had for teaching, coaching, and just being a mentor to every single student that passed through the doors of Mannford High School was a true testament to the man he was. His "Pirate Pride" was down right infectious and the spirit that he held for our school was phenomenal.
It is just unbelievable and heartbreaking that we are saying "goodbye" to him. His loss will be felt for many years to come. So, stand and raise your helmets or hands to honor our Coach; because though he is gone, rest assured he is up on that big football field in the sky, yelling for our team and cheering us on.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Help needed for donations & Bingo Night
Check it out! Bingo night is almost here! You wont believe the awesome prizes that are available to win. You can check them out in the office of the Upper Elementary. Its amazing! Per Marty Bernstein, "So far we have 131 sponsors for the Mannford Upper Elementary Bingo Night!!! We are waiting for a few more donations to come in. Bingo is April 6 at the High School Commons doors open at 4 games start at 5. Some of the prizes include dinners, trips to Vegas, Branson and Okc packages, museums such as Gilcrease, Cowboy Hall of fame, Okc National Museum, Okc Science Museum, Tulsa Zoo, 32 in tv, BBQ grill, BBQ smoker, lawn bench, ceiling fans, gift items, books, Tulsa Glass Blowing school, Garden Diva school, 4 hr boat rental at pier 51 and many many more prizes!"
Another part of Bingo night is the silent auction. Teachers are putting together "themed" baskets to auction off on Bingo night. We need your help to donate to these baskets. If you have anything you would like to donate that fits one of the themes listed, please drop it off at the Upper Elementary. The money that each basket brings goes into THAT classroom specifically for supplies or projects. Our teachers desperately need your help filling these baskets and TIME IS RUNNING OUT!!! Please donate what you can! Here is the list:
Bolte - gift cards/certificates
Karn - OSU/OU "House divided"
Coonce - animals
Whalen - chocolate
Melton - cash donation for gift card
Davenport - kitchen
Veenker - car care
Hatch - family night
Wert - any donation, no theme
Bingo night is just one week away!! We still need volunteers to help work that evening. Please let us know if you can help out! There will be plenty to do!
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Dont forget, Thursday, March 14, 2013 at 6:30 pm, the PTO will be having a meeting at the Upper Elementary. The agenda has been posted, just click on the link in the right side menu bar. And also dont forget the Chuck E. Cheese School Fundraising event. This is FREE money for our school! All you have to do is say you're from Mannford!
Friday, March 8, 2013
Book Fair at the Lower Elementary
PTO Members have been helping out at the book fair at the Lower Elementary. The book fair will continue on next week until 3/14/2013. The hours are from 9 to 2, with the busiest times in the morning from approximately 10 to 12. Please let Patti know if you can volunteer your time to help with the book fair this next week. Also, Mrs. Clow will open the book fair up for sales during Parent-Teacher conferences on Monday, the 11th and Tuesday, the 12th from 4pm to 7pm. If you are going to a conference, be sure to stop by and check out the books! There are books for all ages of readers from beginner books up to young adult. There are even some books for parents!
Monday, March 4, 2013
From President, Patti Nelson
Love the new blog. mannfordpto.blogspot.com. Just what we need to get the word out in a faster to read format. Mrs. Clow at the Lower elementary needs help for the next two weeks with the book fair. The hours are anywhere from 9am-2pm with the 10:30 to 11:30 time being the time slot the older kids are there and have a tendency to be more rambunctious and more eyes on them. If you can help just post here and I will call you to pencil in your time or just stop by and help.
The next PTO meeting will be Thursday March 14. We moved it up a week due to spring break during the 3rd week. Hope to see you there.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Hi Everyone! Welcome to the new official blog page of the Mannford PTO. As you know Mannford PTO stands for Mannford Parent-Teacher Organization. We are a group of parents and teachers in the Mannford School District coming together to help with any and all things needed in our schools! We hope to use this blog as a tool to get the word out about our organization and about the needs of our schools.
We had a great turn out for our first meeting in January and I will be sure to post the agenda and meeting minutes in our archives. February's meeting had less in attendance but we still got alot of discussion done. Right now the main activities are helping with Bingo Night at the Upper Elementary, helping with the Book Fair at the Lower Elementary, and fundraising for the PTO organization. As news comes in, we will be posting it for you. Please let our officers know if you have any questions about anything.
Mannford PTO has an email address set up MannfordPTO@gmail.com and if you have any questions about the blog specifically you can email mannfordptoblog@gmail.com
We had a great turn out for our first meeting in January and I will be sure to post the agenda and meeting minutes in our archives. February's meeting had less in attendance but we still got alot of discussion done. Right now the main activities are helping with Bingo Night at the Upper Elementary, helping with the Book Fair at the Lower Elementary, and fundraising for the PTO organization. As news comes in, we will be posting it for you. Please let our officers know if you have any questions about anything.
Mannford PTO has an email address set up MannfordPTO@gmail.com and if you have any questions about the blog specifically you can email mannfordptoblog@gmail.com
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